Category: Cakes & Cupcakes

Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes
I love chocolate hazelnut spread and didn’t feel right not including it somehow in my holiday baking.

Snickerdoodle Cake
This recipe is a slight modification from the Hidden Kiss Cupcakes. The frosting is easy to work with so I got fancy piping it.

Hidden Kiss Cupcakes
These frosting on these cupcakes is smooth and fabulous (and semi-homemade). Each cupcake also has a hidden Hershey Kiss inside. Yum!

Candy Cane Crunch Cake Pops
I had a half of the Candy Crunch Cake leftover so what I normally like to do in this case is turn them into cake pops. They are easy, yummy and you can do it with any leftover cake.

Candy Cane Crunch Cake
This cake is fantastic and perfect for holiday party. It was my first time making Swiss Buttercream and it’s now my favorite frosting.

Keto Pound Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
I had to make this cake a couple times for the desired outcome. It’s moist and tasty especially with a bunch of frosting on it – I also aggressively covered it with fruit. I doubled both the cake and frosting recipes for the photo.

Shirley Temple Cupcakes
Shout out to The Curvy Carrot where I found this fantastic recipe. These cupcakes really do taste like a Shirley Temple. When I was young, I loved this beverage and since I don’t drink alcohol, I’m thinking I may need to revisit it.