Pecan Turtles

These are so easy to make and everyone loves them. A co-worker that grew up on a pecan farm said they were “obnoxiously-good” – I’ll take that compliment.

Vanilla Macarons with Chocolate Ganache

Macarons are my favorite cookie on earth! In 2015, I was able to sample several macarons in Paris; the best being from Ladurée. These babies take patience and attention to detail and I’ve had several disasters before mastering the technique. They are the best after sitting for 24 hours prior to being served.

Almond Butter Cookies

I have a love affair with cookies and prefer them soft, not crunchy.  Although peanut butter cookies are fantastic, I always have almond butter on hand so I thought I’d replace the standard PB.  It adds an extra bit of protein to these fabulous cookies so I can also experience a bit less guilt.

Tie-Dye Cupcakes

It’s a cold, rainy day today which is a great excuse to bake (not that I really need an excuse). I really wanted a delicious vanilla cupcake but I wanted to make it more creative…so I thought tie-dye! They came out very pretty and I topped it off with silky vanilla buttercream. Delicious!

Shirley Temple Cupcakes

Shout out to The Curvy Carrot where I found this fantastic recipe. These cupcakes really do taste like a Shirley Temple. When I was young, I loved this beverage and since I don’t drink alcohol, I’m thinking I may need to revisit it.