Pecan Turtles

These are so easy to make and everyone loves them. A co-worker that grew up on a pecan farm said they were “obnoxiously-good” – I’ll take that compliment.

Vanilla Macarons with Chocolate Ganache

Macarons are my favorite cookie on earth! In 2015, I was able to sample several macarons in Paris; the best being from Ladurée. These babies take patience and attention to detail and I’ve had several disasters before mastering the technique. They are the best after sitting for 24 hours prior to being served.

Bacon Spinach Waffles

These turned out perfect on my first attempt which never happens. You could make them smaller and serve them as appetizers or larger for lunch, brunch or a side dish. You could also leave out the bacon to make them vegetarian.

Keto Pizza

We started a Keto diet three weeks ago and while it’s been an effective weight loss method, I miss several foods pretty badly. This recipe for pizza is delicious, filling and most importantly, satisfies my craving for pizza while filling me up. I used pepperoni and salami as toppings but you can you any topping you’d like. 4 grams of net carbs per serving.